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‘Bet on Box’ game on www.profiboksz.hu – RULES

2008-01-04 00:00:00 /

‘Bet on Box’ game on www.profiboksz.hu – RULES

1. Every registered member of profiboksz.hu can participate in the “Bet on Box” game by giving his/her user name and password.

2. During the game once per every 2 weeks (or in special cases once per week) you can bet on 10 professional boxing fights defined by the editors.

3. For a fight only one bet is accepted from a player, and after submitting the bets, there is no possibility for any correction. If you successfully bet the winner, you receive 2 points, while in case of hitting the exact result you receive 3 points. It is not allowed to bet for a draw, you always have to mark for a possible winner. If finally a fight will result in a draw or no contest (NC), the players do not get any point. If a player does not even hit the winner of the fight, then – of course – he/she receives zero point.

4. If the fight has been cancelled, or if one fighter is replaced after the editors had announced the actual betting round, the bets for that particular fight will become invalid. In this case no contest (NC) will be given as the fight result.

5. After the actual round has been announced, there are 4 days for the players to bet. After the deadline it is not possible to bet anymore for that betting round. In one betting round the players have to bet for each fight at the same time and there is no possibility to change any of the bets later!

6. After every fight has been finished, the editors announce the result of the round. Besides this, there is a so called ‘2 months result list’, which shows the result of the finished rounds inside a certain time period, which is either 8 weeks, or 5 rounds long. Of course, there will be annual summarized results as well, which will be counted in 2 different ways. Firstly, there will be an absolute result list, which gives the ranking based on the sum of the achieved points. Secondly, there will be a relative result list, which calculates the ranking in such a way that the sum of the achieved points are devided with the number of the bet valid fights. On this second list only those users are counted who had bet at least 70% of the valid fights during the year.

7. If there is a point equality between the players in the annual contest, then that player gets the better place who received more points in the last round where there was no point equality. The same rule may apply for the 2 months contest as well.

8. The players receive e-mails concerning the actual information of the game.

9. The explanation of the keys used for the game table:
- WP –> fighter wins on points (PTS, UD, MD, SD, TD)
- WI  –> fighter wins not on points (KO, TKO, DQ, RTD)
- NC –> no contest. As mentioned above, it is not allowed to bet for this possibility. (see point 3 and 4.) 

 >> Registration - Registrieren <<

>> 'Bet on Box’ game << 


https://www.profiboksz.hu/tippjatek.php -------------- this is the game's main page.


Registration: https://www.profiboksz.hu/forum/profile.php?mode=register&agreed=true
Felhasználónév: * = user name
Publikus név: * = public name
Jelszó: * = password
Jelszó megismétlése: * = password again
Érvényesítő kód: * = Code
Aláírás: = Signature
nyelv: = choose english
elküld = ok




Game in the box.


Username and password down, then "tipp elküldése". = send tip

that's it...

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